The «Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps», as an international serial site, have been inscribed on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 2011. Of the 111 sites in six countries, 56 are located in Switzerland. The characteristic feature of prehistoric pile dwellings is that they were built in or near water.
The guide gives an insight into the rich history of the pile dwellings since their discovery in the mid-19th century. The Swiss sites and finds are presented and their chronological, geographical and cultural classification is outlined. A list of 20 recommended routes with useful information serves as a guide to a selection of sites which help visitors explore and experience world heritage by means of educational trails, round tours, museums and archaeological parks.
Deutsche Version: Die Pfahlbauten der Schweiz
Version française: Les Palafittes suisses
Versione italiana: Le palafitte in Svizzera
E-Book Deutsch: Die Pfahlbauten der Schweiz
E-Book Française: Les Palafittes suisses
E-Book Italiana: Le palafitte in Svizzera
E-Book English: Pile Dwellings in Switzerland